Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2015

É com prazer que divulgo a publicaçãoKierkegaard Studies Yearbook do Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2015 (volume 20). Nele, há o meu artigo intitulado “The Philosophical Thesis of the Identity of Thinking and Being is Just the Opposite of What it seems to be.” Kierkegaard on the Relations between Being and Thought, cujo resumo vai abaixo:

Kierkegaard is often regarded as an opponent of metaphysics per se. However, he not only implicitly espouses metaphysical positions, but also his understanding of existence rests upon an explicit metaphysical differentiation between being qua actuality and being qua thought, which results in a difference between actuality (Virkelighed) and reality (Realitet). I begin by analyzing an apparent contradiction between two of Kierkegaard’s statements on the relations between being and thought, which leads me both to inquire into that distinction and to retrace the roots of Kierkegaard’s account. Finally, I present Kierkegaard’s final positions and point out some of their existential consequences.

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