7º Encontro de Estudos das Origens da Filosofia Contemporânea

De 26 a 30 de setembro de 2016 ocorrerá a 7ª edição do já consagrado encontro capitaneado pelo Prof. Dr. Mario Porta na PUC-SP:


7º encontro OFC

Na sexta-feira, dia 30/09, falarei sobre o impasse epistemológico de Kierkegaard:

Kierkegaard’s Epistemological Impasse: Subjective Thinker and the Reality of Thought

Abstract: Kierkegaard is usually read as a defender of some kind of relativism due his often statements on subjectivity. Nevertheless, if we go deeper through his works, it is possible to see that his position is way more puzzling. In fact, if it is true that the concept of subjectivity plays a central role in his thought, it is also true that the Danish philosopher not only has a fierce critique against a radical relativistic view on knowledge, but he argues for a realistic understanding of the nature of certain kind of thoughts. In this paper we aim to show Kierkegaard’s main epistemological theses, as well as evaluate them in its consistency, since subjectivity and reality of thought are put together in an apparently clashing way.

2 comentários 7º Encontro de Estudos das Origens da Filosofia Contemporânea

    1. G. Ferreira

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