A coluna de Spengler


Seguindo o conselho do meu amigo Martim Vasquez, cheguei ? coluna de Spengler, no Asia Times. L? voc? encontra coisas dessa safra:


Benedict’s September 2006 Regensburg address established him as the only leader of the West able to defend the spiritual foundations that distinguish the West from the Islamic world. Since then he has been under continuous fire from defeatists inside and outside the Church. The Regensburg speech offered the prospect of a great papacy.

Leia o resto aqui.


N?o gostou? Ent?o toma essa:


And if you really want to send a message to America, propose a constitutional amendment to reverse Roe versus Wade. Making sex a contact sport rather than a part of life that includes marriage and babies was the beginning of the problem. It?s not enough to tinker with tax incentives, although that surely will help. Americans need to change their own outlook about life. A pro-life Democratic president with a family friendly economic recovery plan would be unbeatable?

Leia o resto aqui.

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